Do I need a Waterproof Pad on a Waterproof Mattress?

September 5, 2018
Do I need a Waterproof Pad on a Waterproof Mattress?

Do I Need a Waterproof Pad on a Waterproof Mattress | Lullaby Earth Blog

You ask, we answer!

Preparing your child?s nursery can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to equipping their crib. When researching, you see companies offering not just mattresses, but toppers, waterproof pads, changing pads, etc. Especially if you are purchasing a waterproof mattress, things can get confusing when figuring out what you actually need and what is just a nice addition.

The biggest question we see when it comes to accessories for a waterproof crib mattress is, ?Should I also purchase a waterproof protector pad??

While it is not required for you to add a waterproof protector pad, we certainly recommend it. In fact, we recommend buying two! But why?


1.) Prevents Bacteria

Adding a waterproof pad on top of the mattress is one of best ways to prevent bacteria from getting on the mattress. Without the topper, ?occurrences? such as urine, drool, etc. will cause the sheet that is directly on the mattress to get damp and possibly cause bacteria. A waterproof protector pad is a smart extra barrier for messy babies.

2.) Makes Clean-Up Easier

Without the pad, if an accident happens, you will need to wipe down the mattress with antibacterial soap and water after every occurrence to keep your child?s sleeping surface healthy and to avoid set-in stains. Imagine waking up to a fussing baby to have to never fun. And clearly, it isn?t the most effective use of precious time you could be sleeping. If you choose to use a Breathe Safe waterproof pad as well, after a nighttime accident you can simply throw the pad in the wash and head back to bed!

3.) Two Pads Keep Accidents At Bay

When it comes to adult sheets, many of us keep a spare set in case we spill and need to wash the first set. With the same logic, if you buy two pads, you won?t have to worry about bacteria on the mattress if your child happens to have another accident while you are washing the first pad. It?s a great, affordable investment.

Have more questions about our waterproof crib mattress or waterproof pad? Ask us in the comments!